Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
Jul. 19, 2002 - 17:37 MDT THE WONDERING JEW Back Again Guess that Friday Five is slightly hiatal, however they are with us once again this week. 1. - Q - Where were you born ? A. - In another century, in our home in Denver, Colorado, USA 2. - Q - If you still live there, where would you move to ? A. - I would stay here in Denver. Why ? My home, heart and family are here in my home town, why should I want to move ? 3. - Q - Where in the world do you feel the safest ? A - Right here with my faith and family. 4. - Q - Do you feel well traveled ? A. - Depends on the comparison. Yes, I feel pretty well traveled compared to the average person maybe. There are many places I would like to see yet, but there are many I have seen. 5. - Q - Where is the most interesting place you have been ? A. - Hard to answer, I have been deeply interested in most places I have been. I guess it would be Olympia, Greece where the Olympic Games began and the ideal of fair play became firm. It has great significance to me and I felt in the company of the shades of the past while there. ************************** ********************************* Been a pair of rough days. If the eyes are the windows of the soul, it has been as if there is no one looking out through them. But late this afternoon, the pain has dwindled quite a bit and and a bit of cheerfulness has returned - my face didn't crack and fall after all. Friday Five does encourage me to take a fresh look at mundane things and see their significance. So, for me as well as Friday Five, we are Back Again . . . . . . . . . 0 comments so far