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Jun. 28, 2002 - 22:22 MDT


And Again

Friday Five

When Was The Last Time You . . . .

1. - Sent a handwritten letter ?

A. - Before I could type, which was in my early teens. My writing can't be read by me when it is cold.

2. - Baked something from scratch or made something by hand ?

A - Stew, about two weeks ago. 2000 I made a model kit for grandson.

3. - Camped in a tent ?

A. - About summer of 1957 was my last camping trip.

4. - Volunteered time to church, school or community ?

A. - What ? Five progeny and their needs doesn't count ?

5. - Helped a stranger ?

A. - Today, although crippled I do manage to hold doors for those behind me while I smile, it only takes a second and other people seem to appreciate it as much as I do when it is done for me.


Did errands today and had no deep thoughts really, but have been following the sequence of comments made to Bev's entry on the Pledge of Allegiance. It strikes me that there is much agreement with her with but small differences of opinion. Jim Lawrence gave us another history lesson which fit right in the general theme. One more day relatively painless is something for me to be thankful for. So, Friday Five in the main, once And Again . . . . . . . .

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