Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
2001-07-25 - 18:01 MDT THE WONDERING JEW Republicrap Or is it just the Bushyness of the Shrub in the Rose garden. I see in a little item tucked mid-paper that the carefully hand picked by the Pres. panel on Social Security finished its report. The item says that they outlined its case for Social Security retirement system needing reform. Hmph, the old sumbuddy gotta do sumpin. Now hear this, "They adopted a report saying that Social Security faced demographic pressures that would overwhelm its ability to payfull benefits if no changes were made. Demographic pressures ? What the blue blooded heck kind of gobbling gook-ook-ook is that ? ? ? ?(My opinionated question) The item goes on to say, "Comissioners, all appointed by Bush, said any solution should include the president's proposal to create personal investment accounts within the system." Now what do they intend to do ? Are they going to set up a government bureau to do the investing ? I doubt if that would be for the peoples welfare in any way or form. Hell the bureau would probably eat up more tax dollars than any investment would bring in. The damn government has been running in the red like forever. Or, do they intend to let little Joe Taxpayer gamble his Social Security money away on investments -- you know those things that even experts lose all their money on. Third possibility, letting Joe Taxpayer invest, but only under supervisory rules possibly set up by the Internal Revenue that would probably guarantee he would be a loser. I am an old man and may be senile, and failing in memory but it seems to me that Moynihan was the big pusher behind the raise of, what ? Oh yeah, the money being taken out of Joe Taxpayers income to "Keep The System" from going broke. Isn't Moynihan on this present commission ? Now comes another panic -- and -- we gotta do sumpin -- . I am very suspicious of what they are trying to cook up now, or is it distill now ? ? ? ? All of this in my opinion could be called Republicrap . . . . . 0 comments so far