Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
Dec. 13, 2007 - 22:03 MST THIS DOG I KNEW A man Heather and I visited often, a widower and a lonely sort, we often took him to the super market and such things. He had a grandson who was raised out of state, a well spoken adult who came to live with him after a separation. This young man had a dog, he had trained him well and as well, trained him to love. Prisky was his name. When he was new to the house and as well new to us he was the typical watch dog. The bark, the growl a typical defender of the property he was on. It took quite a time, a time of low soft talk, holding my hand out to him backside up and down for him to sniff. Gradually he accepted skritching, took to it too./P> And we were friends. He'd greet me and stretch for his skritching and petting. Then one day he brought a stuffed toy and laid it down at my feet. I picked it up and asked him, "Ya wanna fetch," while making throwing motions. He became a mass of eager wiggles and from then on, every time we visited he and I would play fetch. When I tired and left the toy lay, Prisky accepted that I must be tired, and would lay close enough for me to gently skritch him as we talked amongst ourselves. The grandson reconciled with his wife, hunted a place for them to live and eventually moved out. Prisky went with his master of course, but taking a chunk of my heart with him. I wonder, do dogs often remember loved persons in their lives ? By now he is an aged gentleman, I do so wish him a happy old age THIS DOG I KNEW . . . . . . . . . . 1 comments so far