Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
2000-02-12 - 00:40:37 classic herman in this mornings comics, woman in her car with a driving instructor. she is asking him, "what is the hand signal for backing up into the freeway ?" there are days that i think i backed up into it without a hand signal. is it just because i am getting older or are things getting more frustrating now a days ? every time i go out to do something some hitch in the procedure keeps me from doing one of the things on my list. not counting my boo boos heck that is normal fer sure. it is a change in the way of doing business somewhere and you just find out now at the counter. or a failure of a debit card to work when slid through the reader, being told that there is one more paper needed to finish this up . . . if i had been forwarned i would have brought the bloomin' thing with me. yadda, yadda, yadda i think i would like to search for a present day janus, there must be one somewhere in this country. we could talk him into running for president as a member of both parties. he could be talking to a democrat through one face and a republican through the other face. simple huh ? just tattoo their party on each one's brow and tattoo on the back of their hands which party they belong to in case they forget. two faces, one brain - - epitome of political strategy. the two faces could even give the same waffling, baffling nondescript speech simultaneously, looks to me as if that is what taking place. these non commital speeches that politicians give when they are over you turn to your companion and say, "wuz he fer it er agin it ?" they are tight roping the fence so that they could be interchanged with no trouble. yunno what irks me ? when who ever it is gets into office you can be sure he responds to where the money is pressing. a farce, a comedy, maybe a comic farcial tragedy ? why do i feel as if i have been transported back into early childhood and am puzzled at what the grown folks mean and what they are really doing ?? aaarrrrgh 0 comments so far