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"The Wondering Jew"

2000-09-22 - 16:227 MDT

September 22, 2000


The great debate -- which politician will be the honest one -- the one who stays bought ? We have two main ones now, walking shoulder abutting shoulder with the defining political line between them. And then Generic Nader and a religious righter or two. Seems to me that there is a place for a "Commensense" party --- naah, that makes too much sense.

The promised land -- the land of promises --- the sheep or the goat ? This political backslid, backseat, existential wonder bird is as usual, sitting back in his chair, hands thrown up in horror--wondering, "What next ?"

Whose turn is it to mess the country up with a basting of bull shit ?

What complex formula will be devised to solve the age old problem -- how to swat a fly ? When all someone need do is shut the damn door.

This mess in this country seems to be a fantasy story of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher," mixed in with "Alice in Wonderland," that is put on the table with the, "Take it or leave it," attitude of the accomplished politician who has the uncanny ability to make most of us swallow it and think it tastes like a chocolate malt.

Euphoric euphemisms from both sides, meaningless solutions for non-problems while the real problems tower taller each year and grind us all to dust.

Who the hell is going to cure the "spin doctors" ? Where is Diogenes when we need a thorough and honest searcher for the truth ?

Are things so complex now that no one and no organization can solve the puzzle of, what on earth is wrong and what can we do about it ? We have tried for years on top of years to solve problems by enacting un-enforceable laws and throwing money (our money) at these conundrums, hiring more and more government workers and devising more and more useless departments to no avail. Those growths appear to me to be cancerous.

Addiction: a problem of the ages, from the wine of ancient times to the designer drugs of today has continued to increase astronomically. Yet -- one way or another Columbia and other drug producing countries get U.S. help, why ? Why should we support one way or another the "poor" Coca farmers ? Just what the heck kind of sense is that ? When alcoholic prohibition was repealed was our country suddenly inundated with masses of alcoholics ? No, but the price of booze went down. If the laws against allowing minors access are stringent I think that adults choose their own way to destruction -- laws or not. If prohibition could be repealed on narcotic and mood altering drugs -- also stringently preventing underage people from purchasing them -- I think the prices would go down -- the countries that are making money hand over fist to supply the U.S. with illegal drugs would begin to grow crops that could be shipped to supply other shortages that exist.

I also think that the romance of using "forbidden fruit" which entices the easily swayed would soon wane if the leeches couldn't encourage the habits that made that scum large amounts of money for no real work at all. From what I have read, many of our GI's, especially the very young ones became addicted to drugs bought in Southeast Asia for pennies, such addiction not satisfied here because of the cost. The lure of "cheap" illegal stuff would probably not have been attractive if the young'uns had of been raised in a realistic society. Maybe. - - - - -

You cannot stop someone from praying, when they do it mentally (as per instructions in the Bible), you cannot prevent someone from thinking independant thoughts and I don't think that the reading of Playboy or Penthouse can be prevented nor do I think that it causes the damnation of the soul either. I agree that that sort of thing is unpleasant, but I remember coming up during the time of the eight pagers, stolen or borrowed on the sly from big brother or dad and passed from hand to hand.

We seem to be a society which either covers over unpleasant things with euphemisms such as, vertically challenged -- instead of short, handicapped instead of crippled, weight challenged instead of fat, yadda yadda yadda. Call it by a nicey-nice name and all of sudden it isn't there. OR make these things a big CRUSADE and make them ILLEGAL and put more enforcers on the taxpayers payroll, instead of trying to solve problems in a common sense way.

For instance if it becomes known to the very young that no taxpayer money, nor any other funds would ever be devoted to alleviation of the undesirable effects of becoming addicted or overdoing of anything, then if they choose to do so, no one nor no organization will be obligated to wipe their noses. I am an alcoholic in recovery, I have received help -- I should have gone down the tubes -- I deserved to. Yet I feel the way I just stated.

I bought the tickets, stood in line for the hoopla performance of the y2k circus and am disgustedly at ringside.

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