Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
Oct. 03, 2004 - 21:45 MDT THE WONDERING JEW Poof Long day of sweat and resentment. But we did get our big storage locker cleaned out, but for several large pieces that family will have to move. Most of which to go to Goodwill. Settling in proceeds apace. Which is good, at least we can walk around without tripping on anything and sit without having to clear stuff off a chair or table. Never thought I could get so tired dealing with little stuff, but I am . . . . . Maybe it is just that I am fatigued to the level of my age ? I spouted of gloriously for more than an hour -- at least I thought it was a good spate of spout. Heh, but when I am tired I get fumble fingered, which has lost more of my entries than I care to think about or count. Perhaps tomorrow there will be a bit of substance in my posting. Unidentified substance probably, a babble - rave type of thing, my usual I guess. But tonight with one wrong stroke of a key Poof . . . . . . . . 0 comments so far