Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
Jun. 21, 2004 - 22:15 MDT THE WONDERING JEW From Many Sources There have been so many good words, condolences and wishes for our grief to wane, but I think, not yet. Check my guest book of today signed by Bev Sykes and her entry there. She is a lady who has been through this twice over and said some very pertinent things. Many other folk have sent me e-mails dealing with the same thing in the same way. People on the net become family almost and in some cases we adopt each other in spirit. And I can see much better than I can hear, so words from net friends are a great help. It grieved me because I was unable to hear any of the words said at Rob's memorial serice or funeral at Fort Logan. Today Heather and I went to Noodles for our favorite dish, 'cause we had an unnoticed ('til the last minute) anniversary. The sixty-first, much water under the bridge and the bridge still stands. Damn if I know how she put up with me so long, a puzzle, knowing me as I do. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I see an item in today's Rocky Mountain News by Todd Pitman of the Associated Press. In part. Soldier's lawyers shift the blame "BAGHDAD, IRAQ -- A lawyer for a U.S. soldier charged in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal is expected to ask the judge today to dismiss the case when three defendants appear for a pretrial hearing." "Paul Bergrin, lawyer for Sgt. Javal S. Davis, said last week that he would ask the judge, Col. James Pohl to dismiss charges against his client because of "improper command influence" extending all the way to President Bush." "Bergrin also contends that senior U. S. military officers sanctioned harsh treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison and said he would look for evidence that Davis was simply following orders. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hoo Boy, time for assumptions and conjecture from all sides. From what little I have seen of the world, the big guys accomplish their aims by inference, insinuation and things of that ilk. No paperwork involved as most of them are smart enough to avoid that. In my inconsequential opinion. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There seems to be something festering in our country as of late that is quite repugnant to me. It goes this way, "Nobody mentions the cruelties and outright murders of civilians of his own country -- all they can do is to rave about the abuse of prisoners by our troops in Iraq." It has been pretty well documented in our newspapers from the Gulf War the conditions the Iraqis lived under and the tyranny Saddam forced on them. Article after artical outlined the gassing of the Kurds, etc. But, in what way are we justified in allowing our American forces to do the same to detainees ? A pre-emptive war is after all a war in reality. The Geneva Convention should be held to, to the utmost limits if we wish to hold ourselves as being righteous citizens. Otherewise, it seems to me that we are on the level as all the rest of the war criminals in the world from ancient times... My opinion. The love and care pouring in buoys Heather and I and helps us meet each day as it comes. Courage comes to us From Many Sources . . . . . . . . 0 comments so far