Contact Kelli,
temporary manager
of Doug's
"The Wondering Jew"

Aug. 22, 2003 - 15:30 MDT



Today is a funny day, seems as if I am a sailboat, out far away from land when the wind dies. Not much to do but just wait for the wind to rise and get me out of here. Not depressed, out of sorts or sick, just stuck in a rut I guess. This is a good time for another Friday Five

1. - When was the last time you laughed ?

A. - When I read "Rose Is Rose" this morning in the comics. Her alter ego "Vicki" the "Cycle Queen," is doing her thing, tickles me to death. I think each of us has a similar alter ego, except maybe the dare devils of the world -- perhaps their alter egos are the Casper Milquetoast types.

2. - Who was the last person you had an argument with ?

A. - A fellow worker the last time I was drunk, which was in 1986. Serious discussions have occurred since then with different opinions involved, but have been polite and civilized.

3. - Who was the last person you e-mailed ?

A. - Bonnie of the Chattering.

4. - When was the last time you bathed ?

A. - Depends on the definition of bathing. This morning I stood in our bathtub and showered. Does that count ?

5. - What was the last thing you ate ?

A glass of milk and five Costco Taquitos for lunch.


World conditions ? Same as ever I guess. Mid-east boiling over as usual, people getting blown up. Seems like the very radical types are intent on wiping anyone different than they off the face of the earth or at least off the map of the mideast. Depressing to read I might add.

Articles on various facets of the Columbine murders are still showing up in the news frequently -- of the really non-news type of thing.

West Nile virus moving west, now there a bunch of cases in Colorado. When we are out I notice that catch basins with any water in them are prime breeding grounds for the mosquitos that carry it. Catch basins are relatively new around town, but do keep water out of basements. Hope the powers that be are taking care of the situation.

Temperatures here in town 90 degrees plus or minus one or two degrees but mostly 90, little rain and little sign of abatement any time soon.

So the status is quo and nobody is happy about it. As for me my boat is afloat with sails and mind aflap but in the Doldrums . . . . . . . .

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