Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
2000-05-15 - 18:21:35 May 14, 2000 Euphemisms We have had two daily newspapers ( the biggies ) here in Denver since the Platte River wet it's bed - way back when - mortal enemies. The competition has been fierce and productive for the public. Both papers have had super good features and many excellent columnists. You think it would stay that way ? unh uh ! Just recently the two papers merged, whups, crafted a "Joint Operating Agreement," old speak "merger" - I suppose. The other shoe has not thunderously dropped yet, so I don't have any idea what that really means. Are they going to kill off a bunch of chiefs so that the indians can run the papers? Or are they going to do as in many mergers, cut the work force in half - keep the same number of chiefs double up the workload on the indians - - - - and wonder why things are going downhill. The end result usually is that the peons suffer and the big wheels get advancements of one kind or another as rewards. Another thing that puzzles my dim witted mind, why is it that the CEO's of the money losing corporations, overpaid already, get these huge raises, stock options and bonuses every year while the organization is going downhill faster ? ? ? I must keep reminding myself that nothing is 100 %. The many differemt shades of gray rule and confuse the whole blooming thing. I hope that "kill the messenger" is not applicable here - or maybe I should keep an eye on my back ? 0 comments so far