Contact Kelli, temporary manager of Doug's "The Wondering Jew" |
2000-05-09 - 23:02:50 May 9, 2000 Aftermath Returning home in a roundabout way I did a few necessary errands. Stuffed my face. Caught up a thing or two, by then supper time was here.. Afterward read the newspaper, and I realize that although the tank on the car is full, I have run out of gas to the extent I can't think of anything to say tonight. Guess you could say this a duty entry. After the weekend commotion, it is time to get back on track. I will hear from Heather when she reaches Emeryville in the morning, and then again when she arrives Eugene the following day. Once I hear of her safe arrival and the safety of the family there I will breathe easier. G'night 0 comments so far