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Jan. 29, 2003 - 20:38 MST


Of Words

Following is some of the text of the State Of The Union speech of last night with my personal opinions included.

The full text of his speech can be easily Googled.

Where have I heard the phrase, "dog and pony show" before ? In relation to what ? Political shamanism ?

Maybe I have been there and heard that mentioned before by others and read about what I wasn't there to hear.

Whatever, last night's State of the Union speech. Well ?

Mr. Bush said he has fresh evidence that Saddam seeks to "dominate, intimidate or attack" with weapons of mass destruction that he could share with terrorist allies." Like the old lady said in the commercial, "Where's the beef ?" He says he has it, where is it ?

2nd paragraph - - - We -- who we ?

3rd paragraph --- Wanna bet ?

Later, "We will confront them with focus - - - - hoo boy, bofe us ?

And further, what education reform ?

Reorganized the government and created the Department of Homeland Security. There seems to be a lot of mumbling, stumbling and bumbling there, is what I personally think.

"Integrity in American business, we passed tough reforms," maybe toothless -- but WE did it. Locking the barn door ?

"We must have an economy that grows fast enough to employ every man and woman who seeks a job." Uh Huh EVERY ? Sweeping bull pucky it looks to me. How he gonna do it ?

"Our econonmy is recovering," "Not growing fast enough or strongly enough." Better beieve that one buster.

"Proposing all the income tax reductions set for 2004 and 2006 be made permanent this year." Yeah right the jobless, homeless will really benefit by that move.

Mr. Bush talks about investors and the taxing of a company's profits. A quote of Molly Ivins in today's paper: "Some of the top corporations that paid zero taxes from 1996 to 1998 - AT&T -- Bristol Meyers Squibb -- Chase Manhattan -- Enron -- Exxon Mobil -- General Electric -- Microsoft -- Pfizer -- Philip Morris (Now called Altria)" I wonder, who understands the structure of our system ? I sure don't.

Mr Bush mentions in passing, partially, "Spending discipline in Washington D.C." I don't think that has happened ever before, at least not in our time.

Mentioned but not quite plain is overhauling healthcare and Medicare -- whaat, overhauling chaos ? Oh -- but limit litigation -- he wants Congress to pass MEDICAL LIABILTY REFORM.

Mr. Bush wants to promote energy independence while improving the environment. Mr. Bush says he has sent legislation that mandates a 70 percent cut in air pollution from power plants over the next fifteen years. And the gem idea, something that hasn't been accomplished yet, and a proposal to throw money at it by funding research to help develop hydrogen powered vehicles. Beautiful dreamer I think.

Mr. Bush wants to work on AIDS --- great idea man, one suggestion, start at home, devoting the people and money here.

In regards to the homeless, fatherless and the addicted he says, "There is power -- wonder working power," in the goodness and idealism and faith of the American people." I've sung some of those words in church before. He says further, "They deserve our personal support and where appropriate they deserve the assistance of the federal government." He asks, "Congress and us to focus the spirit of service and THE RESOURCES OF GOVERNMENT on the needs of some - - - - boys and girls - - - I propose a $450 million intiative to bring mentors to more than a million disadvantaged junior high school students and children of prisoners."

Why do I feel all that will be devoted to faith based operations ?

There are some words of truth in what was said, of course and good intentions too. For the most part, I wouldn't buy a used car from this administration. I am weary and afloat on a wild sea Of Words . . . . . . . . .

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