Contact Kelli,
temporary manager
of Doug's
"The Wondering Jew"

Sept. 20, 2002 - 11:41 MDT



Happy Anniversary Friday Five

1. - Would you say that you are good at keeping in touch with people ?

A. - As best I can, a lot depends on whether they want to be touched.

2. - Which communication method do usualy prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person ? Why ?

A. - Some of each.

Why ?

Aa. - Not a matter of preference with me. Depending on the need and mutual availability, I use all of the above.

3. - Do you have an instant message program ? How many ? Why/whynot ? How often do you use it ?

A. - Yes.

How many ? Aa. - One.

Why/why not ?

Ab - The word instant is the key word for me.

How often do you use it ?

Ac. - Now and then.

4. - Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away ?

A. - Haven't counted. Many of my friends I have never seen in person, many I grew up with, all depends on which lawyer asks me.

5. - Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person or do you believe that "absence makes the heart grow fonder" ?

A. - For me it can't be narrowed down to that. Those I love and am always in contact with their absence is deeply felt by me. Other folks sometimes go off in a different direction than I do and we lose touch. Can't seem to arrive at a percentage in this case. I do miss those friends who travel a different path though.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Friday Five ? More like a Friday Nine looks like. Heh Heh.

Anniversaries of one kind or another seem to come to me one after another. The date of my birth - on my birth certificate. Never wrote it down, but, there is an anniversary of when I quit wetting the bed. No date there, but my pride was immense. The day I started school, also not written down. The day I started Junior High, the day I started High School, the day I started my first full time job. All not written down. The prize anniversary to me is the day Heather and I married, June 20, 1943. And then the dates of our children's, grandchildren's and great grandchildren's birth. Those all are anniversaries of a kind, in recent times the date I started my Diary on line.

So to any reader, happy anniversary for whatever good thing happened to you this day.

As Mr. Spooner twisted his words, of one kind or another, we have all passed our Pilemosts . . . . . . . .

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